
Mirandus Tech Test: Embark on an Extraordinary Journey in the Boundless Fantasy MMO Realm

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey through the enchanting realm of Mirandus, a visionary massively multiplayer online game crafted by Gala Games.

A World of Endless Possibilities

Since its inception in 2020, Mirandus has been meticulously constructed using the formidable Unity engine, ensuring a breathtaking first-person perspective within its boundless open world. What sets Mirandus apart from its counterparts is its groundbreaking premise – in this fantastical realm, players possess dominion over everything, from the attire they don to the bustling shops nestled in charming towns, and even the very towns themselves!

Embrace the Diverse Roles

Within Mirandus, a vibrant tapestry of interwoven economies unfolds, inviting players to embrace the humbling roles of blacksmiths, hunters, and tavern keepers, in addition to their daring quests as explorers and adventurers. Every adventurer finds solace in resupplying for their imminent endeavors, requiring sustenance, armor mending, and invigorating potions.

As the blacksmith seeks the lumber procured by the woodcutter, the butcher in turn yearns for the farmer’s succulent meat. Countless production lines unravel, affording players the captivating opportunity to embody the diverse roles of farmer, adventurer, trader, or even bard!

Forge Your Destiny

Delving deeper into the gameplay mechanics, players possessing land plots are entrusted with selecting their ideal position on the sprawling map. Shall one opt for proximity to a treacherous dungeon, thereby attracting a constant flow of curious souls? Alternatively, situating oneself near a fertile river opens the gates to abundant farming prospects and thriving commerce. Perhaps the allure of establishing a stronghold in a mountain pass, replete with imposing taxes for all who dare traverse, resonates with one’s ambitions!

Upon the game’s highly anticipated launch, five magnificent citadels will grace the game world, serving as majestic hubs where charismatic leaders may establish their factions, levy taxes on trade, and orchestrate a realm of their own. Consequently, enterprising individuals shall forge agreements with landowners to establish and operate their commercial enterprises.

Unleash Your Adventurous Spirit

Mirandus not only promises enthralling hunting and gathering escapades, but also entices players with heart-pounding PvE and PvP battles, alongside treacherous dungeons brimming with unfathomable treasures awaiting discovery. Eager to quench our thirst for adventure, Mirandus entices us with an exclusive tech test and playtest for its magnificent fantasy MMO.

The Mirandus Playtest: A Grand Exploration

Set to commence on the auspicious date of May 15th, this extraordinary playtest grants players an authentic slice of the world, inviting them to revel in the joys of exploration, socialization, combat, hunting, and the fine art of crafting!

The Mirandus playtest promises to surpass all previous iterations, delivering an expansive realm that dwarfs the goblin-infested trial of last year by an astonishing factor of thirty! Within this colossal playground, players are granted the freedom to traverse its vast expanse, partake in exhilarating battles, and master the art of crafting various items.

Rise to the Challenge

The Mirandus development team diligently tweaked the difficulty of the formidable creatures that inhabit the world, urging adventurers to form alliances and venture forth into perilous territories.

While select players were granted early access to the playtest for a fleeting hour, their exhilarating exploits were meticulously documented and shared on the Mirandus Discord server. However, an unexpected controversy emerged in their wake, as whispers of a reward for the first player to slay the formidable boss began circulating. Regrettably, a few individuals who had gained early access managed to extract invaluable information regarding spawn locations, loot tables, and the elusive boss’s whereabouts, granting them a substantial advantage in the impending competition.

Consequently, spirited discussions are currently underway on the Mirandus Discord, contemplating potential revisions to the reward system in order to ensure fairness and preserve the thrill of the hunt.

Embrace the Power of NFTs

In addition to the gripping gameplay dynamics, Mirandus introduces a captivating integration of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) game items. Among them, the Ring of Discord and the Lantern of the Sun stand out as invaluable tools, providing players with a magical light source to illuminate the otherwise daunting darkness that envelops the realms of Mirandus during nighttime. Such items prove indispensable to intrepid adventurers, who must navigate treacherous paths and ancient ruins shrouded in shadows.

Furthermore, for those fortunate enough to possess a Mirandus VOX that aligns with their chosen Exemplar character, a substantial boon awaits. By coupling a Seafarer Exemplar with a corresponding Seafarer VOX, players are granted a remarkable 25% boost to their in-game health, empowering them to face even the most formidable challenges that Mirandus bestows.

The Legacy of Firebrand Steeds

The forthcoming playtest heralds yet another significant milestone in Mirandus’ illustrious journey—the conclusion of the sale for Firebrand steeds. Once this momentous playtest reaches its conclusion, any remaining unsold Firebrand Steeds will be ceremoniously consigned to the annals of oblivion, never to be offered again as NFTs.

Embrace this final opportunity to claim your equestrian companions and seize a piece of Mirandus history before they fade into the realms of legend.

Answer the Call to Adventure

Prepare yourself, as the gates of Mirandus swing wide open, beckoning you to immerse yourself in an unparalleled world of fantasy, adventure, and boundless possibilities. Secure your Mirandus Exemplar character and safeguard it within your Gala wallet, for it is the key that unlocks the threshold to this extraordinary playtest. Should you find yourself bereft of an Exemplar, fear not, for a limited number of these coveted avatars remain available within the Gala Games store, as well as through select third-party markets.

Carve Your Name into Legend

Embark upon a remarkable odyssey, where your choices shape the destiny of your character and the immersive universe of Mirandus itself. With its awe-inspiring landscapes, intricate economies, and the sheer expanse of its world, Mirandus sets a new standard in the realm of Web3 gaming.

The allure of adventure, the thrill of conquest, and the camaraderie forged on this extraordinary journey await those bold enough to step foot into the vast and ever-evolving world of Mirandus. The time has come to claim your place among the legends.

Will you answer the call to adventure and etch your name into the enduring chronicles of Mirandus? The choice is yours, adventurer.